School-Business Cooperation

School-Business Cooperation

The School Service involves representatives from Kalundborg's industry to create a framework for inspiring, practice-related STEM learning.

Below you can find the process of becoming part of the School Service, and you can find a list of current partners.

Is your company our new partner?

Do you want to help inspire and influence young people to choose a STEM-related educational path? Then let us help you.

It is free to be a partner of Knowledge Hub Zealand School Service. All we expect is your commitment and a bit of your time. Just enough to ignite a STEM spark in young people to gently push more of them in the STEM-direction needed by Kalundborg's industry.

You choose how many annual visits you want - we do the rest.

Knowledge Hub Zealand School Service is responsible for arranging, coordinating, and tailoring the visits to your company and working hours, so you don't have to worry about anything other than showing up and meeting the young people at eye level.

Below you can read more about the process of being a partner in the Knowledge Hub Zealand School Service.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Get your company involved in the Knowledge Hub Zealand School Service

Initial dialogue
Cooperation possibilities are discussed. Including:
- What do you want to get out of a possible cooperation?
- How many resources can/will you devote to cooperation?
- What can you offer in terms of. special professional production methods, facilities, etc.?

Cooperation agreement
The cooperation is anchored in an agreement on the target group, scope, professional content, frequency of visits, the parties' concrete contribution and division of responsibilities, as well as the expected result of the cooperation.
The school service draws up the cooperation agreement in dialogue with you.

Sparring for visit set-up
The School Service offers sparring for the development of a professionally relevant and targeted visit programme, including any PowerPoints or other visit material you wish to use.

Lesson plans
The School Service works with the concept of "plug and play", where a professionally qualified lesson plan is developed for your visit, which the simple teacher can use in his/her teaching.
The concept ensures that the visit can be integrated in the best possible way into the schools' professional work.

Coordination with schools
The Schools Service facilitates all communication between you and schools, acting as a link between schools and businesses.
Your visit will be included in the School Service's annual catalogue, which is published each spring (March/April).

Annual overview of visits
After registering, you will receive an annual overview of visits for the coming school year.
Unless otherwise agreed, the annual review will run from August of the current year to June of the following year.
If you wish to offer visits for a limited period, this will be taken into account.

Ongoing coordination and support
Two weeks before a visit, a reminder email is sent to the school and company to inform them in time of any changes/cancellations.
The School Service is also available for ongoing support and coordination.

Annual evaluation
The School Service invites to an evaluation meeting where cooperation is discussed.
It is clarified whether you wish to continue the cooperation in the coming school year, and there is an opportunity to make any changes to the cooperation agreement and your visit programme/materials.

Current collaborators
(included in the 2022/2023 annual catalogue)

  • Kalundborg Utility
  • Frihedslund Medical Farm
  • Kalundborg Symbiosis
  • Processkolen - North West Zealand's Business and Secondary Education
  • Kalundborg Refinery
  • ARGO
  • SkaberZonen
  • Private wind turbine owners
  • Røsnæs Nature School
  • Head in the sea - University of Aarhus
  • Kalundborg Libraries
  • Astra