Quantum Computing Applications in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Researchers and engineers from education, industry and start-ups share knowledge, network and showcase the latest developments in Quantum Computing.

Background and Purpose

The first industrial revolution gave us the assembly line, which the second powered. The third gave us digitalization and automation of means of production, which Industry 4.0 now builds on.

Industry 4.0 is therefore called the fourth industrial revolution and is a new generation of industry that integrates the digital world and physical production. It is the idea that intelligent, interconnected production and service networks can self-manage elements across industrial value chains. 

In Denmark, Industry 4.0 has received a lot of attention, primarily focusing on the growth and competitive advantages that the new industrial generation can offer. Growth and competitive advantages that can benefit companies in Region Zealand and Biotech City Kalundborg, which Knowledge Hub Zealand supports through project partnerships with the ambition to create a pioneering center for advanced bioproduction, education and startups in Northwest Zealand.

Quantum Computingcan be used to study a wide range of topics, from the reactivity of catalysts to complex optimizations of production plants. The results of using the technology can therefore e.g. lead to the development of more efficient and more environmentally sustainable production plants.

Read more in Dansk Kemi 2022, udgave 2, Quantum Computing: Et nye værktøj for kemi- og bioteknologiske ingeniører (A new tool for chemical and biotechnological engineers).

How to proceed

Recognizing the great potential of Quantum Computing, Knowledge Hub Zealand, DTU and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) have organized the Quantum Computing Applications in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Workshop in 2022 and 2023. In 2024, we will host the Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence Applications Workshop, where researchers and engineers from education, industry and start-ups gather to share knowledge, network and showcase the latest developments in this rapidly growing field.

Funded by

-Novo Nordisk Foundation
-Quantum Native Systems

Project period


Project partners

-Danish Technical University, DTU
- Knowledge Hub Zealand
-The Biotech City


Christian Beenfeldt, Knowledge Hub Zealand
Email: chbe@kalundborg.dk