Strengthening STEM skills among the young in Region Zealand through innovative modeling-oriented educational programs.

Background and Purpose

The purpose of the project is to explore the possibilities of strengthening STEM skills among the young in Region Zealand through innovative teaching programs where students can create their own modeling-oriented investigations.

Modeling has been chosen as an academic goal because of its central place in science education in both primary school, where it is one of four mandatory competence goals since 2013, and in high school, where modeling is included in most science subjects.

At the same time, international as well as Danish research has shown that modeling-oriented teaching can be difficult to carry out, and it is well-known that some teachers are challenged in relation to the organization of such teaching.

The project will support teachers from primary and secondary schools to develop courses where students conduct modeling-oriented investigations.

How to proceed

Inspired by the LabSTEM project at SDU, the project is based on a so-called didactic STEM laboratory (LabSTEM), where a number of primary and secondary school teachers recruited from educational institutions in the Zealand region and researchers from RUC collaborate on the development of teaching courses.

This is done, for example, through:

  • Investigation of current modeling teaching practices in primary and secondary schools
  • A user study of student and teacher perspectives on modeling in STEM education, including how to ensure that the developed courses are implementable and usable.

Expected Result

Based on the project findings, the project partners will:

  • Develop principles for how modeling can and should be incorporated into teaching in an appropriate way.

  • Develop educational programs that participating teachers can implement at both primary and secondary school level.

  • Organize a final conference where results and teaching programs are presented.
    Target group: Interested school leaders/principals, regional politicians, civil servants, participating teachers, researchers, etc. 

Funded by

Region of Zealand

Project period

Feb. 1, 2023-March 31, 2024

Project partners

-Roskilde University, RUC
-Knowledge Hub Zealand

Primary and secondary schools in the project

-Dyhrs skole
-Hindholm private school
-Sorø private school
-Slotshaven gymnasium


Louise Vigsnæs, Knowledge Hub Zealand