Capturing and valorization of CO2 through photobioreactors to drive the green transition

Background and Purpose

Currently, there are no real carbon capture and utilization (CCU) solutions or low-carbon technologies suitable for small and medium-sized companies.

Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new processes, technologies, mechanisms, and energy systems that are both economically feasible and realistic for small and medium-sized industries.

The purpose of the project is to demonstrate that even smaller amounts of CO2 from small-scale industrial sites can feasibly be transformed into algae-based biomass for further utilization, as there is a large potential for high-quality low-carbon ingredients now and in the future.

How to proceed

The project intends to demonstrate how future biogas and fermentation clients of the ALGIECEL carbon capture as a service technology can valorize their CO2 emissions for the benefit of the entire value chain.

In the project, the consortium partners will set up a photobioreactor in collaboration with Novonesis, who will supply CO2 into the photobioreactor. The algae-based broth will be directed into an up-concentration container where the water will be separated to demonstrate that it can be reused.

Expected Result

CAPCO2 aims to demonstrate a breakthrough concept for Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU). The solution is highly modular and scalable allowing cost neutrality (short term) and profitability (long term) to the clients implementing the technology. There is a great commercial potential based on:

  • A market anchored in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • A growing demand for sustainable bioproducts
  • New methods
  • CO2 prices and the voluntary carbon market.

Funded by

EUDP - The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program

Project period

Sep 18, 2023-Aug 31, 2026

Project partners

-The Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
-P2CC, Power to Climate Change
-Knowledge Hub Zealand


Louise Vigsnæs, Knowledge Hub Zealand