
Strengthening STEM education through innovative and different experiences in new educational programs.


Background and Purpose

The purpose of the project is to strengthen children and young people's technological and scientific curiosity and inspire more young people to choose education and careers in the STEM field in Biotekbyen Kalundborg.

In Kalundborg Municipality , companies, primary schools, secondary schools and higher education collaborate to strengthen STEM education through Kalundborg Skoletjenesten, which Knowledge Hub Zealand also manages. With both Skoletjenesten and BioTEK-Future, students experience how learning is directly linked to education and career opportunities through new and different courses in food and robotics.

Process and Result

40 teachers and 600 students have participated in the project, which supports a strategic effort to strengthen collaboration and create synergies along and across the STEM education chain in Kalundborg Municipality.

In collaboration with local companies, the BioTEK-Future program has facilitated the development of 16 educational programs within the themes of food science and robotics for primary school grades 5-6 and for upper secondary education.

BioTEK-Future training course

  • Pills on wheels - about self-propelled robots
  • Long live the carrot - on food preservation
  • The battle for the carrot - on food preservation
  • Save the beetroot - on food preservation
  • Waste and robots - about waste sorting
  • Designer muesli - about health and food
  • Crunchy enzymes - about enzymes and bread baking
  • Drivkraft - on digital control of greenhouses
  • Food and meal scrubs - on climate-friendly proteins (mealworms and worm meal)
  • Sweet and good - about sorting and quality control with LEGO SPIKE robots
The Novo Fund

Funded by

Novo Nordisk Foundation

Project period


Project partners

-Kalundborg Municipality
-Professionshøjskolen Absalon
-Nordvestsjællands Erhvervs- og Gymnasieuddannelser
-Knowledge Hub Zealand


Mette Christine Poulsen, Knowledge Hub Zealand