Change Zealand

Realizing profound change-creating potentials in Region Zealand.

Background and Purpose

The project was the starting point for a long-term effort to realize profound change-creating potentials to promote business on Zealand. The goal is to fill in the gaps in the ecosystem, both where it is weakly developed and where there is a need for further focus and strengthening of the movements that have already been set in motion.

The project activities aim to professionalize/mature the participating companies so that they are able to translate one of the change-creating potentials into scaling and growth of the company.

How to proceed

The project is based on the local business potentials described in the strategy and is organized into three focus areas, each of which seeks to unlock one or more of the change-creating potentials:

  • Fehmarn Corridor
    The aim of the initiative is to develop competitive companies within construction, civil engineering and industry that can act as sparring partners in the construction project, and to develop the business community along the Fehmarn Corridor from Rødby to Greve.
  • Bioproduction and food: Bio Change Zealand
    The goal of the initiative is to develop and attract SMEs that can export, connect to international value chains through collaboration with large companies in the area and/or enter into circular value chains across the two product branches.
  • Man on the moon
    The goal of the initiative is to develop the large companies of the future - man on the moon - in the Zealand region.


Knowledge Hub Zealand was the project manager for Bio Change Zealand, which offered support to biotech and food companies and suppliers in the industry to shortcut growth, sales and exports. 

155 companies in total participated in tailor-made individual project paths where the companies were professionalized and matured to enable them to turn potential into scaling and growth.

The following activities were part of the offer to companies:

  • Sparring with business developers from the project partnership
  • Collaboration with students, researchers, specialists or other companies
  • Advice from external experts with funding from the project
  • Access to testing facilities
  • Participation in business networks and workshops
  • Contact the project partnership network.


Continued development of Region Zealand's business community: A robust business community prepared for changing economic conditions and international competition, and an agile business community able to take advantage of new developments in technology, demand and business models.

Funded by

-Denmark's Business Promotion Board

Project period

Sept. 1, 2020-Dec. 31, 2022

Project partners

- Erhvervshus Sjælland
-Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
-Copenhagen Capacity
-Fonden Femern Bælt Forum
- Knowledge Hub Zealand


Sif Kjølby, Knowledge Hub Zealand