New report points to promising potential for PtX production in Kalundborg

Companies in Biotekbyen Kalundborg want to help develop the green fuels of the future

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Kalundborg's work with business symbiosis has proven that green growth and close local collaboration go hand in hand. A new report takes a closer look at scenarios for Power-to-X symbioses in Kalundborg. The opportunities are promising, but they require significant investment to succeed.

Download the report: Scenarios for PtX symbioses in Kalundborg


Power-to-X: A prerequisite for a greener future

The green transition depends on us getting really good at developing new green fuels that can replace fossil aviation fuels, gasoline and diesel. Denmark is investing heavily in the development of Power-to-X (PtX), which covers technology that produces fuels, chemicals and materials based on green hydrogen produced by electrolysis. The companies in Biotech City Kalundborg want to be part of this technological development - and we at Knowledge Hub Zealand want to continue to support this development.

A new report by engineering consultancy NIRAS presents Kalundborg-based scenarios for the production of green methanol for shipping and green aviation fuel through PtX plants. The report also looks at how PtX can increase the existing biogas production in Kalundborg.


Kalundborg's green potentials

Kalundborg's thriving biotech community has a tradition of solid collaboration that provides an exciting foundation for the development of PtX symbioses. For example, Kalundborg companies can provide bio-based inputs such as bioethanol and biogas for PtX production. Kalundborg also has access to abundant wastewater that could be purified and used as input for the electrolysis in the PtX plant.

"The report shows interesting opportunities for establishing medium-sized PtX plants in Kalundborg and utilizing resource flows from local companies. We recommend that the stakeholders in Kalundborg continue the dialog and explore the possibilities of testing the solutions locally," says chief consultant Louise Sprotte-Hansen from the consulting engineering company NIRAS, which prepared the report.

However, Kalundborg will face challenges in operating a large-scale PtX plant, as direct access to green power is limited in the area. For example, it requires an entire offshore wind farm to power a 1 GW electrolysis plant, which is planned elsewhere in Denmark.


New technologies can support PtX

Kalundborg has long worked with the potential of scaling up in pilot projects, a development work that is also reflected in the city's research and education environments.

The report therefore also highlights how small high-tech companies like Nordphos and Dynelectro can enter into PtX symbioses through the supply of ultrapure water and new electrolysis technology.

The companies are part of the PtX Cluster Zealand project, which supports innovative collaboration between five high-tech SMEs to form PtX symbioses.


Green fuels come with an extra bill

The report highlights the significant challenges of producing green fuels in Denmark, as business cases have been calculated for all scenarios.

In order for the calculated business cases to be profitable, the value of the produced green alternatives must be significantly higher than the fossil alternatives for a long period of time. This requires that consumers, businesses and/or the government are willing to help pay for the green fuels. This can be in the form of subsidies or an additional price.

It must be taken into account that the prices included in the scenarios, e.g. construction and operating costs and not least the future prices of e.g. hydrogen, ethanol and biogas are associated with significant uncertainties.


About PtX Cluster Zealand

The PtX Cluster Zealand project focuses on establishing an innovative collaboration between five high-tech SMEs, all of which can enter into PtX symbioses. The report has been prepared as a conclusion to the PtX Cluster Zealand project.

PtX Cluster Zealand has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund's REACT program and the Danish Business Promotion Agency. 

Companies involved in PtX Cluster Zealand:

  • Dynelectro
  • Unibio
  • North Phos
  • Algiecel
  • G2B

The project also includes:

  • Ørsted
  • Evida
  • Kalundborg Utility
  • DTU
  • Gas Storage Denmark
  • Energy Cluster Denmark
  • Kalundborg Symbiosis
  • Erhvervshus Sjælland
  • Knowledge Hub Zealand


Want to know more about PtX Cluster Zealand?

Contact our Project Manager, Sif Kjølby,

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