A tailor-made, unique program for life science and healthcare innovation startups from southern Scandinavia to unlock their growth potential.
Life Science Academy is a three-year project funded by the EU program Interreg Øresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak, which supports projects in the southwestern part of Scandinavia that promote the development of social innovation, green economy, transport and employment.
Together with the project partners, our vision is to unite Denmark, Sweden and Norway by creating an ecosystem that seamlessly connects startups to skills and facilities and facilitates innovation without borders.
Life Science Academy for Startups is a tailor-made, unique program for startups from southern Scandinavia within life science and healthcare innovation to develop concrete skills and resources to unlock their growth potential.
With expert help from Denmark, Sweden and Norway, we support you to reach your goal easier and faster. Enjoy all the benefits of the program for free.
Whether you are involved in research and development, consulting, manufacturing or sales, you can benefit from our extensive support. Wherever you are on the development spectrum, you can count on us.
We are looking for aspiring startups in the dynamic world of life science and healthcare innovation.
If you fit the criteria below, we encourage you to apply. You:
As part of the program, you will strengthen your innovation skills, overcome challenges and accelerate the transition from your groundbreaking life science idea to a market-ready product.
During the project period, you will
The program consists of the following elements:
August 2023 - July 2026
Chriztina Sandberg Davidsen
Project Manager, Knowledge Hub Zealand
Email: chsd@kalundborg.dk
Questions about the program?
Write to: lsacademy@ehsj.dk