Join the Sustainable Life Science Symposium 2023

The Danish life science industry develops fast. Keep up with it at this year's symposium focusing on sustainable solutions in life science.

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Together with Danish Life Science Cluster we are organizing the Sustainable Life Science Symposium 6th December 2023 - building on the success of last year's Sustainable Biosolutions Symposium.


Bridge-building in the Biotech City

A main purpose of the symposium is to build a bridge between sectors and stakeholders working in start-ups, SMEs, and academia. Bridge-building between these worlds is essential to identify barriers, opportunities, and knowledge gaps.

In other words, bridge-building is necessary to facilitate adaptation of new technologies into the industry. And to identify research needed to accelerate advancements in sustainable life science, pharma and biosolutions in the first place.

We work to facilitate this every day, and that is why the symposium takes place in the Biotech City, Kalundborg .


Two headlines of the symposium

The primary objective of the conference is "Sustainability" as it has become an increasingly critical concern for both companies and researchers for meeting the changing demands of the future.

The symposium will be divided into two main thematic sessions:

  • Sustainable Pharmaceutical and Biosolutions Productions: What Are the Perspectives Across Industries:
    Experts from academia and industry will share insights, innovative approaches, and best practices for achieving sustainability goals based on the questions of where we are today, what are the trends of the future and what can we learn from other industries.
  • The Role of Partnerships in Promoting Sustainability:
    This session will focus on the vital role of partnerships in achieving productions goals with an eye on sustainability. Discussions will revolve around successful partnership models, strategies for effective collaboration, and case studies highlighting the positive impact of alliances.


Don't miss out on this (free) opportunity - sign up now.

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