Fehmarn Belt Innovation (FBI)

An innovation, collaboration and networking project to strengthen innovation and growth in the eastern part of the Fehmarnbelt region

Background and Purpose

With the expected opening in 2029 of the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel, which will physically connect Denmark and Germany, Fehmarn Belt Innovation aims to support and strengthen innovation and growth in the eastern part of the Fehmarnbelt region.

Region Zealand and Schleswig-Holstein experience slower economic, innovation and business growth than the surrounding regions. This is a challenge in areas where increased technological and innovation development across borders can make a positive difference.

Therefore, the aim of the project is to strengthen innovation, technology transfer and business development in the eastern Fehmarnbelt region by increasing the ability of small and medium-sized enterprises to exploit cross-border opportunities during an innovation process.

How to proceed

The project partners will take 30 companies and 170 students from both sides of the border through well-organized innovation programs.

Together, the participants will define the individual needs so that the program will create value for each company according to its objectives and visions.

The innovation can therefore vary from developing and improving internal processes or developing and testing new production methods to investigating new solutions to future challenges.

The project focuses on business areas that are important for both the Danish and German sides of the Fehmarnbelt, which are defined as the following three areas:

1. Construction
2. Maritime/marine
3. Food and biotech*

*Responsible: Knowledge Hub Zealand

Expected results

With the Fehmarnbelt Innovation Project, we are preparing for a more cohesive region, when in a few years we will be linked even closer together with a physical connection between Rødby and Fehmarn.

Educational institutions, business organizations and clusters will have the opportunity to develop and test new types of collaboration, as well as strengthen network relations across the border.

By strengthening cooperation, the project will support small and medium-sized companies and educational institutions in creating joint solutions to common challenges in areas such as employment, economy and environment - for the benefit of regions on both sides of the border.

Contact us

Knowledge Hub Zealand

Biotekparken 1

4400 Kalundborg


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