Teachers from primary schools and secondary schools will together develop teaching programmes that stimulate children's and young people's curiosity in technology and science in a new and different way, and clarify the link between learning and educational and career opportunities in Kalundborg Biotech City.
BioTEK-Future is an important step towards putting STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in the spotlight, and 40 teachers from local primary and secondary schools have now completed the first of six workshops in the project.
Local educators build bridges
The first BioTEK-Future workshop focused on engineering, which is the working method that students will use in the lessons. The methodology is a systematic approach to problem solving, designed to reflect the way engineers work. After an inspirational presentation by Steen Mandsfelt Eriksen, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Degree Programme at Absalon University of Applied Sciences, the teachers tested the engineering method themselves with a challenge: Build a bridge.
The bridge-building challenge was both a fun and exciting experience, but also challenging because it showed where we as educators need to be aware that students may take "shortcuts" in relation to the engineering method. It can be tempting to jump into building without working through the processes of the method, thereby losing important points and better ideas on the floor. It was therefore healthy and eye-opening to experience the teaching from the students' perspective. Exercises like this will also make teaching particularly concrete and tangible for students."
Carsten Steen Haakonsen, SRO teacher, Process School.
One of the main goals of the BioTEK Future project is to bridge the gap between primary schools, secondary schools, higher education and the business community in the Biotech City of Kalundborg. Based on concrete cooperation experiences, such as the bridge-building challenge, the teachers will work closely together to develop teaching programmes, which they will then each test in their own classes. And the aim is for the collaboration to continue once the courses are fully rolled out.
We believe that the project will strengthen cooperation across and along the STEM education chain in Kalundborg, and that the BioTEK-Future project will help inspire more children and young people to take an interest in technology and science.
Mette Christine Poulsen, BioTEK-Future Project Manager, Knowledge Hub Zealand.
For the next workshop, the trainers will go out into industry, where they will be introduced to robotics and food production in practice.
About BioTEK-Future
In collaboration with local companies, the BioTEK Future course will facilitate the development of 16 educational programs within the themes of food science and robotics for primary school grades 5-6 and for secondary education. 40 teachers and 600 students will be part of the project, which is a collaboration between Knowledge Hub Zealand, Kalundborg Municipality, EUC Nordvestsjælland and Absalon with financial support from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The project supports a strategic effort to strengthen collaboration and create synergies along and across the STEM education chain in Kalundborg Municipality.
Teacher Benjamin M. Mikkelsen proudly displays a result of the bridge-building challenge
Knowledge Hub Zealand
Biotekparken 1
4400 Kalundborg
Knowledge Hub Zealand
Biotekparken 1
4400 Kalundborg